Tuesday, April 30, 2013

#GE13 #dream by Ummabdrahmaan

#GE13 #dream by Ummabdrahmaan

Red rocket is riding on the green wave
while waning twin moon is with luminosity decreasing.

Where are the scales?
By the beach -they are lining up
waiting for the green wave crashing.

When the wave
could be a giant one
gaining strength
turns into tsunami
launching the red rocket
further inland.

The wave turns into foams
returns to the sea.

The twin moon may set
a new day arrives.

The scales maybe down,
but like spring,
magically pops back up,
gets bigger
marching to battle
the white rocket with the red moon
that has been hastily
erected by the hillside
when they see
the blue scales marching in.

In time,
the rocket fall down
due to unstable footing.

The scales grow bigger,
replicate rapidly,
all over the land.

and you certainly
don't tell a dream
that you dream not.

12:54 am
May 1st 2013

by Ummabdrahmaan

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