Thursday, December 20, 2012

Final Speech Evaluation for BES3043 Public Speaking

One last speech.. no more after this... that's what you think...

This is just beginning...

Why do do you think we offer public speaking subject to semester one students?

The truth to be told, you'll have to present in each and every class you take after this semester till you completed your study.

Therefore, it's important to expose you to public speaking and instill confidence early and not to wait till you are in your last semester to sit in a public speaking class.

At least, many of you can differentiate and know the difference when you speak to inform, share opinion or to persuade.

It's been really enjoyable to sit and watch you deliver all your speeches.

I think Faizol has improved tremendously and deserved the big applause he got from all of you last night! :)

I still remember how nervous he was and had a false start many times for his first speech.

However, during his last speech last night, his voice carry confidence!

He was undeniably confidence but he was still very nervous as we all could see the his AV aids were shaking as he was holding and distributing it.

What was the first lesson derived from the first class activity? - It's normal to be nervous!

As all of you have learned after your first speech, nervousness subsided after you've said those first few sentences and confidence slowly built in.

As I promised you at the beginning of the semester that all of you will have that confidence speaking in front of the public at the end of the semester, all of you have proved it last night as you delivered your final evaluation speech at the Hostel Foyer where there were a lot people coming and going, passing by, using ATM machine, waiting for the bus, came to HEPA fair etc.

You were there to deliver your speech!

If not for the marathon of speeches I had to evaluate since 2 pm, I probably could go on till passed midnight. My apology to the last 4 out of 60 students who had to deliver their speeches in my office privately as 11:30 pm was too late!

I couldn't open my eyes anymore!

I had to stop for coffee at Omar Khayyam before continue my half hour driving home last night! :)

To Faizol, I have a present for you for showing tremendous improvement in my public speaking class this semester!

I'm off for a much needed holiday starting next week as you are having your study break.

Safe journey to those who are heading home and keep safe!

ps: 10 of you still need to fill in the biodata form and submit photos for personal files. I'll inform who's who later :) Chiao!

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